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  • 深圳東和特工材料科技有限公司

    Shenzhen TEVOE Material Science CO .LTD

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    PPA TEVOE PX7730
    產(chǎn)品/服務(wù): 瀏覽次數(shù):292PPA加30玻纖 
    型 號: PPA PX7730 
    規(guī) 格: PPA PX7730 
    品 牌: TEVOE 
    單 價: 電議/面議 
    發(fā)貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 3 天內(nèi)發(fā)貨
    更新日期: 2019-05-07  有效期至:長期有效
    聯(lián) 系 人: ( 登錄可見 )
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     產(chǎn)品型號:  PPA PX7730
     產(chǎn)品規(guī)格:  PPA PX7730
     產(chǎn)品品牌:  TEVOE
    TEVOE PX7730 Technical Data Sheet
    Product description
    Tevoe PX7730 is 30% glass-fibre reinforced engineering thermoplastic material based on a combination of semicrystalline polyamide with partially aromatic copolyamide.This material has excellent mechanical properties and good surface effect.This material is specifically formulated forhigh strength and stiffmess applications where good impact resistance and excellent dimensional stability after molding are required.Its low viscosityand excellent flow properties make the material ideal for filling parts with thin-walled sections such as those encountered in the mobile electronics industry.
    Tevoe PX7730 can be successfully plated, such as non conductive vacuum metallization, or coated with soft touch coating or UV topcoat coating.
    Filler / reinforcing material 50% glass fiber reinforced materials
    Performance characteristics Good dimensional stability. Good impact resistance.
    Fast production cycle. Low warp.
    Can be plating. Good surface finish.
    The moisture permeability is strong. High strength.
      High flow.
    Application Thin wall components Electronics / electrical applications.
    ROHS compliance        
    Processing method injection molding      
    Product color white black
      Natural color Other    
    TEVOE PX7730 Technical Data Sheet
    Property Test Condition Unit Standard  Value
    Physical Properties        
    Specific Gravity - g/cm3 ISO 1183 1.56
    Water Absorption 24hr,23 % ISO 62 0.38
    Mold Shrinkage Trans % ISO 294 0.3
    Mechanical Properties        
    Tensile Strength  5mm/min  Mpa ISO 527 245
    Elongation at Break 5mm/min % ISO 527 2.3
    Tensile  Modulus 1mm/min,50mm span Mpa ISO 527 18600
    Flexural Modulus 1mm/min,50mm span Mpa ISO178 16000
    Izod Notched Impact Strenth 1/8in(3.2mm),Izod,23 KJ/m2 ISO178 15
    Thermal Properties        
    Heat Deflection Temperature 1.8MPa ISO75-2/A 248
    Melting temperature - ASTM D 34188 260
    vicat softening temperature 50N;50/h ASTM D 648 -
    Burning behavior UL94(UL recognition) 0.6mm,All colors Class UL-94 HB
    Other  Propeties        
    These property characteristics are taken fron the TEVOE plastics data bank and are base on the international catalogue
     of basic data for plastics according to ASTM.
    TEVOE PX7730 Technical Data Sheet
    Processing conditions for test specimens
    injection Nominal Value Unit
          Drying Temperature   75 to 80    
          Drying Time 4 to 12 hr
          Suggested Max moisture   0.10%
          Processing (Melt)Temp 260 to 305
          Mole Temperature   80 to 120
          Injection Pressure   300 to 800 Mpa
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    ©2025 環(huán)球塑化網(wǎng) 版權(quán)所有   技術(shù)支持: 環(huán)球塑化網(wǎng)     訪問量:32229  管理入口

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